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Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans evaluates organ and tissue functions by using small amounts of radioactive chemicals called radiotracers or radiopharmaceuticals, a specific camera, and a computer. PET may detect the early development of disease before other imaging tests because it detects changes at the cellular level.

PET scans are used to study a variety of conditions, including:

  • Cancer, heart problems, and brain disorders can all be detected with this test.
  • Epilepsy- may reveal which section of the brain the epilepsy is affecting, which may aid specialists in determining the most appropriate treatment.
  • Additionally, it aids in the detection of cancer recurrence after treatment.
  • Heart disease: A PET scan can reveal which parts of the heart are damaged.

PET Scan Cost in India is significantly lower than in other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and others, and the quality of healthcare is also much better. The greatest facilities are accessible with reasonable healthcare packages, premium medical tools, and the assurance of first-rate medical professionals for people traveling for a PET Scan in India.

What Is PET Scan

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans are imaging tests that can reveal the metabolic and biochemical function of your tissues and organs. A radioactive substance (tracer) is used in the PET scan to show both normal and abnormal metabolic activity. A PET scan can typically reveal aberrant tracer metabolism in diseases before other imaging procedures, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can detect the disease.

Typically, the tracer is injected into a vein in your hand or arm. The tracer will then collect in sections of your body with higher levels of metabolic or biochemical activity, pinpointing the disease’s location. PET images are frequently coupled with CT or MRI scans, which are referred to as PET-CT or PET-MRI scans.

Why a PET Scan is Performed

A PET scan may be ordered by your doctor to check your blood flow, oxygen intake, or organ and tissue metabolism. PET scans reveal issues at the cellular level, providing your doctor with the clearest picture of complex systemic disorders.

PET Scans are commonly used to detect:

Heart Problems: PET scans can detect areas of the heart with reduced blood flow. This is due to the fact that good heart tissue absorbs more of the tracer than sick tissue or tissue with less blood flow.

On the scan, different colors and brightness levels indicate different levels of tissue function. This data can assist you and your doctor in deciding how to proceed with therapy.

All types of Cancers: Cancer cells have a faster metabolic rate than healthy cells. Cancer cells often appear as bright spots on PET scans due to their high degree of chemical activity. As a result, PET scans are beneficial for detecting cancer as well as-

  • Determining whether cancer has spread
  • Determining whether a cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy, is effective
  • Looking for a cancer recurrence

Issues oriented with Central Nervous System (CNS) or Brain Disorders: When the scan is interpreted by a specialist, they can examine how the brain is working and look for any abnormalities. PET scans are used to identify and treat a variety of CNS conditions, including-

PET Scan Cost in India

In comparison to other countries, the cost of a PET Scan in India is relatively low. Additionally, the standard of medical treatment and services is comparable to that of the best hospitals in the world. Even after including the costs of travel, housing, and meals, the overall PET Scan Cost in India starts from USD 140.

Several factors, affect PET Scan Cost in India, this includes such as interdisciplinary treatment, cost-effective care, a first-rate patient experience, research and innovation, and a holistic approach to patient care, which might affect how much a medical package costs in Turkey. This is the fundamental reason why thousands of patients go from all over the world for PET Scan in India for medical treatment.

Factors Impacting the Cost of PET Scan in India

Factors that affect the cost of a PET Scan in India are:

  • Choice of hospital
  • Location of the hospital
  • Specialist fee
  • The procedure itself
  • Medicinal costs
  • Duration of stay

For foreign patients traveling to India, Medsurge India provides the finest PET Scan Cost in India at a reasonable cost, all while being supervised by top medical professionals. Click here for the medical visa form for patients.

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How Does a PET Scan Work

PET scans are used to identify cancerous cells in organs and tissues. An intravenous (IV) injection of a safe dose of a radioactive medication is given to you. A radiotracer is a name for this chemical.

In your body, diseased cells absorb more radiotracer than healthy cells. This radiation is detected by the PET scanner, which generates images of the afflicted tissue. A PET/CT scan combines CT scan X-ray images with PET scan images.

Before the Procedure:

  1. You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to prepare for your PET scan.
  2. Any medications or supplements you are taking should be disclosed to your doctor.
  3. Normally, you should not eat anything for 4 to 6 hours before the scan, but you should drink plenty of water.
  4. Because metal can interfere with the testing equipment, you will have to remove all of your body and jewelry piercings.

During the Procedure:

  1. A small amount of radiotracer will be injected into a vein.
  2. The radiotracer can take anywhere from half an hour to an hour or more to reach the targeted section of the human body, depending on the body part involved.
  3. You’ll be asked to relax and refrain from talking or moving.
  4. You may be requested to drink any comparison substance before being transferred to the PET/CT scanner, where the imaging process will commence.
  5. During imaging, you must remain completely still.

After the Procedure:

  1. The images will be evaluated by a radiologist, who will then transmit the results to a physician.
  2. It was suggested that I drink a lot of liquid to help flush the radioactive medications out of my system quickly.
  3. You will be allowed to return home.

Factors Affecting the Price of Pet Scan

The cost of a PET Scan to the individual is determined by a number of factors, including:

  • The patient selects the hospital.
  • Radiologists’ Standard Tests procedures
  • Fees for a group of physicians.
  • Complications should be treated if they occur.

What Are Some Common Uses of the Procedures?

PET and PET/CT scans are used by doctors to:

  • Determine the presence of cancer and/or make a diagnosis
  • Determine if a malignancy has spread throughout the body
  • Evaluate the treatment’s efficacy
  • Assess whether or not a malignancy has returned after therapy
  • Determine the prognosis
  • Analyze the metabolism and viability of the tissue.
  • Identify the consequences of a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, on different parts of the heart.
  • Determine whether parts of the heart muscle would benefit from angioplasty or coronary artery bypass surgery (in combination with a myocardial perfusion scan).
  • Examine anomalies in the brain, such as tumors, memory problems, convulsions, and other CNS tissues.
  • Figure out how the human brain and heart work normally.

What Are the Risks of Getting a PET Scan

The radioactive tracer has relatively little radiation. It doesn’t last long in your system. After a PET scan, drink plenty of water to help flush the radioactive medication out of your system. PET scans are generally safe and generate few complications. There are a few exceptions:

  • PET scans are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Radiation can harm an unborn child and transmit through breast milk to an infant.
  • PET scan radioactive tracers and CT scan contrast dyes might cause allergic reactions in some persons. Your doctor can prescribe medicine to help you slow or halt this response.
  • The sugar in the radiotracer may not be absorbed by those with diabetes, which can impair scan results. Before the test, your healthcare practitioner will propose changes to your diet and medications.

Know More – Lung Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have PET Scan in India

The country has some of the best medical care facilities and services in Asia, making medical tourism in India very popular. The best Hospitals for PET Scan in India provide all types of disease-related surgeries using advanced technology. Also, the price for PET Scan in India is much more affordable as compared to other states or nations around the world. An international patient can expect to pay 50-60% less for PET Scan in India.

The best hospitals that perform PET Scan in India provide comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. Patients can expect personalized treatment, individualized attention, and compassionate care at these medical facilities. Top international organizations such as the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and the Joint Commission International (JCI) accredit the hospitals.

What to Look for When Choosing a Hospital For PET Scan in India

Indian hospitals that perform surgery for PET scans are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest hospital and surgeons in India. However, choosing a suitable hospital for treating PET Scan in India can be difficult for an international patient. It is a significant decision that must be made with several factors in mind, including:

  • Quality certificates and accreditations
  • Hospital and transportation facility location
  • Team of doctors and surgeons
  • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
  • International patient assistance

How Can Medsurge India Help

Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. Our staff will provide you with a list of licensed, renowned, and trustworthy physicians and medical facilities in relation to your medical needs. Apart from that, we offer a treatment strategy that fits your budget and, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.

The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s the Principle Behind the Functioning of the Pet Scan?

A: The cells based will appear as “hot spots” or even “cold spots”

  • Active regions called “hot spots”, where cells require less energy, which is less glowing regions, are called “cold spots.”
  • No PET Scan Isn’t painful, You Might feel a chilly Feeling moving your arm up when a radioactive substance injected

Q: What’s the Complete Process Time for a PET Scan?

A: The whole testing process typically takes about two hours. Most patients can go home once the scan is finished.

Q: What’s the Length of the Scan?

A: Complete scan time is about half an hour.

Q: What’s FDG Tracer?

A: FDG fluorodeoxyglucose is a widely used radiotracer.

Q: What Abnormal PET Scan Outcome Convey?

A: Abnormal results may indicate:

  • Change in the size, shape, or position of an organ
  • Cancer
  • Infection
  • Problem with organ function

Q: What Is the Difference Between an MRI / PET Scan?

A: While an MRI or CT scan acknowledges how a part of the body appears, a PET scan may tell how it’s working.

Q: What Are the Welfare of a Combined PET/CT Scan?

A: Combined PET/CT aid in accurate identification, supplying the precise place of abnormal metabolic activity in the body. It’s of greater advantage to the individual who experiences two examinations at once.

Q: in PET Scan Exactly What Can You Mean by Cold and Hot Spots?

A: “hot spots,” signal where large numbers of the Radiotracer have gathered and where there’s a high amount of metabolic or chemical action e.g in cancers less extreme locations, or “cold spots,” indicate a lesser concentration of radiotracer and less chemical action multiplying in Alzheimer’s

Q: Is PET Scanning Radiation Insecure?

A: NO, the radiation hazard is quite low, because the doses of Radiotracer administered are modest, resulting in comparatively low radiation exposure to the individual, suitable for diagnostic tests. Hazards of this test are minimal when compared with the advantages in diagnosing acute health ailments.

Q: Do I Have to Be Hospitalized for PET Scan?

A: Hrs after that you’ll be able to return home unless some complications.

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