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Anterior cervical corpectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the excision of the vertebral body along with the adjacent disc spaces to relieve pressure on the cervical canal. It is important to be informed about the costs associated with anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery in India, particularly in cases of multi-level cervical stenosis accompanied by spinal cord compression due to the development of bone spurs.

Your spine surgeon may recommend that you inquire about the anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery cost in India or the overall corpectomy spine surgery cost in India, especially if your cervical condition extends beyond mere disc space issues. Now, let us explore the various procedures involved in anterior cervical corpectomy spine surgery.

Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery Cost in India

Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery Cost in India starts from ₹3,90,000 to ₹5,50,000 (4500 USD to 6300 USD), the cost may vary depending on various factors such as the patient’s condition, the type of hospital, or the location of it.

Factors that Can Affect Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery Cost in India

While India has some of the best-friendly budgets when it comes to treatment, some factors can affect the cost of the treatment but even so for an international patient, one can save up to 40% to 70% of the cost compared to their country. Here are some various factors that can affect Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery Cost in India: 

  • Medication costs: Ceratin medication can influence the overall cost of the treatment.
  • Patient Condition: The complexity of the patient’s overall health can affect the duration of treatment, impacting the cost. 
  • Duration of treatment: Longer treatment courses can prolonged medication regimens to lead to higher cumulative costs.
  • Geographical location: Cost can vary widely depending on the region in India.
  • Hospitalization expenses: The length of hospital stay and the level of nursing care required by the patient can add to the treatment expenses.
  • Government policies and subsidies: Government healthcare schemes and subsidies can reduce out-of-pocket expenses for patients, affecting the affordability of the treatment.
  • Medical tourism packages: Curated packages for international patients can include various services at a bundled cost, influencing the overall expense of treatment in India.
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure: Prestigious hospitals with state-of-the-art facilities may charge more for their services.
  • The expertise and experience of medical professionals: Orthopedic surgeons with extensive experience and recognition often command higher fees, contributing to the treatment cost.
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures: Regular monitoring through advanced imaging and laboratory tests can increase treatment costs due to the high price of these diagnostic methods.
  • The choice of treatment modality: Opting for newer and more advanced treatment can cause the cost of the treatment.

For Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery Cost in India, the country offers exceptional medical services and facilities to patients who come for treatment. Furthermore, the facilities in India rival those of well-known healthcare centers worldwide. Accommodation, meals, and transportation expenses are also covered. 

What is Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery?

An anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of bone and disc tissue in the cervical region to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves. This operation is typically performed to address conditions leading to spinal stenosis, including the presence of bone spurs or herniated discs.

What are the Different Types of Cervical Spine Surgery Treatment

There are various types of cervical spine surgeries tailored to the patient’s specific condition. Below are some frequently performed procedures:

  1. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)
  2. Cervical Disc Replacement
  3. Posterior Cervical Decompression
  4. Foraminotomy
  5. Laminectomy

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)

This surgical technique aims to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves caused by disc herniation or deformities in the cervical vertebrae. It involves the removal of the damaged disc or bone, followed by the fusion of the affected vertebrae using implants or bone grafts.

Cervical Disc Replacement

In this procedure, the herniated or damaged disc material between two vertebrae is excised and replaced with an artificial disc. This not only alleviates symptoms but also enhances mobility in the cervical region.

Posterior Cervical Decompression

This surgery is performed through the back of the neck to decompress the spinal cord and nerves. By removing abnormal bone, it creates additional space for nerves that were previously compressed due to conditions like spinal stenosis.


This procedure focuses on enlarging the foramina, the openings through which nerve roots exit the spine. By relieving pressure on the nerves, it effectively alleviates associated symptoms.


Laminectomy involves the removal of the lamina, the bony arch of the vertebra. This procedure addresses the underlying cause of abnormal symptoms, leading to a reduction in pain and numbness.

When is Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Surgery Performed? 

An anterior cervical corpectomy is performed for patients suffering from degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which may lead to the development of bone spurs or herniated discs. These conditions can encroach upon the space required for the spinal cord and nerves within the spinal canal, resulting in stenosis, or a narrowing of this canal. Consequently, the spinal cord and nerves may become compressed, potentially leading to injury. Additionally, vertebrae affected by trauma, tumors, or deformities may necessitate a corpectomy.

Before considering surgical intervention, physicians often suggest conservative treatments such as pain management and physical therapy. These approaches can be effective and help mitigate the risks associated with surgical procedures. Nevertheless, surgery is generally advised when there is a significant risk of spinal cord damage.

Surgical intervention is typically warranted under the following circumstances:

– When a patient’s symptoms do not improve with conservative treatment

– When a patient experiences severe pain

– When there is compression of the spinal cord, which may manifest as:

  – Progressive neurological deficits, often resulting in numbness or weakness in the limbs

  – Loss of bladder and/or bowel control

  – Difficulty in ambulation

  – Impairment in the coordination of hand movements, affecting tasks such as buttoning, tying, and typing.

How Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery is Performed? 

  • This procedure is conducted under general anesthesia.
  • The surgeon makes an incision at the front of the neck, carefully moving aside muscles and other tissues to access the spinal column’s bones. 
  • The damaged vertebra, along with the discs above and below it, is then excised. This step, known as decompression, alleviates pressure on the spinal cord and surrounding nerves.
  • Following this, a spinal fusion is usually performed to stabilize the spinal column. 
  • During this process, the surgeon fills the void left by the removed discs and vertebra with an implant, which provides the necessary strength and stability to the spine.
  • One type of implant used is a strut graft, which is a bone segment measuring 1-2 inches. 
  • This graft can be harvested from the patient or sourced from a bone bank. 
  • The strut graft is placed into the spinal column’s empty space and secured with titanium screws and plates. 
  • Over time, the graft integrates with the surrounding bone, which is crucial for maintaining long-term spinal stability.
  • Another implant option is a cage, made from materials such as titanium, ceramic, or synthetic bone. 
  • The cage is inserted into the space and secured with screws and plates. To facilitate fusion between the cage and the spinal bone, small bone grafts are typically harvested from the excised vertebra.
  • Finally, the incision is closed with sutures and covered with a small gauze bandage.

After Surgery

  • Patients usually remain in the hospital for about 4-5 days.
  • You might be requested to put on a neck brace or Cervicothoracic brace (CTO) to decrease strain and pain in the throat area and permit recovery and fusion.
  • Patients are counseled to refrain from twisting and bending the neck through the first couple of weeks.
  • The physician will request to follow-up 8 — 10 days following an operation to scrutinize and remove sutures. Another follow-up will probably be required, normally 4 — 6 months following the operation. An X-ray is going to be done in order to observe the recovery and mix.

Potential Risk and Complications of Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Spine Surgery

The potential risks and complications associated with surgery for cervical spinal stenosis encompass a range of issues, including but not limited to:

– Incomplete symptom relief

– Partial recovery of neurological function

– Injury to nerve roots

– Harm to the spinal cord

– Hemorrhage

– Infection

– Displacement of graft material

– Injury to the trachea or esophagus

– Persistent pain

– Non-union of the spine (also referred to as failed back surgery syndrome or pseudoarthrosis).

The likelihood of these risks and complications tends to rise when multiple levels of the cervical spine are treated, when the patient has specific pre-existing medical conditions, or when other individual risk factors are present.

How can Medsurge India Help?

Medusrge India is a trusted medical tourism company that has helped thousands of patients from all over the globe. We focus on finding the best medical options that fit your needs and provide a list of qualified and reputable doctors and hospitals to help with your health issues. 

We also create a treatment plan that suits your budget. Additionally, we assist patients in obtaining travel permits, medical visas, and other essential requirements. If you or you’re loved one are looking for radioactive iodine therapy in India you can get in touch with us.

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    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What Is Anterior Cervical Corpectomy?

    A: it’s a surgical procedure to eliminate from the front of their throat, damaged vertebrae and intervertebral disks in the neck area, and replaced with a graft or implant.

    Q: Exactly What Causes This Harm?

    A: The injury to the vertebrae and intervertebral disks is known as Cervical disease.

    Q: What Are the Indications of Cervical Disease?

    A: Normally, an individual experiences stiffness, tingling, tingling or tingling sensation from the neck area or in the shoulders and arms. It might stretch to the legs along with a severe case may be a reduction of freedom.

    Q: When Did the Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Advocate?

    A: It’s recommended if the non-operative steps like pain drugs and physical therapy are unsuccessful in the individual.

    Q: Can a Patient Be Unfit for Anterior Cervical Corpectomy?

    A: Yes, once they’ve Osteoporosis, joint disorder, and inflammation at the throat area, disease, and allergies to stainless steel they’re unfit for operation.

    Q: Can It Be a Painful Process?

    A: You may feel no pain under general anesthesia but may have some tender following the operation that will heal right away.

    Q: After How Much Time Will I Be Discharged from the Hospital?

    A: A hospital stay is one night and based upon your recovery, you might be discharged 4 — 5 days following the operation.

    Q: Could I Choose a Shower/bathe the Following the Operation?

    A: Patients may shower after operation supplying the incision area is covered with bandage and tape to steer clear of water hitting it. The covering ought to be eliminated after shower along with the incision place left to dry afterward. Bathing is advocated for 2 weeks following operation once the wound is totally healed.

    Q: Will Titanium Be Toxic to My Body?

    A: Your body is able to deal with a lot of titanium and it’s by far the most harmonious metal being lightweight and corrosive resistant.

    Q: at What Time Will I Be Active Again?

    A: When the surgical pain has considerably diminished, and the spine strength was recovered, patients can take part in tender recreational and sports activities after 6 — 8 months.

    Q: When I Can Start Work?

    A: Depending on the operative pain, work could be resumed after 3 — 4 months contemplating it’s light duty.

    Q: When Can I Drive?

    A: When the throat is portable and the pain is light, you should begin driving. Maintaining short distance driving and with another driver are suggested during the first phase.

    Q: How Long Could I Choose a Very Long Flight?

    A: Depending upon your recovery, your physician may suggest that you wait until your pain is moderate and the spine strength has improved. It can possibly take a minimum of two months.

    Q: How Can I Avail of Medical Insurance?

    A: If you aren’t a citizen of the country in which you’re receiving your surgery out of, it’s suggested to purchase the greatest health insurance coverage in the native country which has partnerships with all the state of operation.

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