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A nephrectomy surgery is most commonly used to treat kidney cancer or to remove a benign (noncancerous) tumor. A nephrectomy is sometimes performed to treat a sick or severely damaged kidney. A donor nephrectomy is a procedure in which a urologic surgeon removes a healthy kidney from a donor in order to transplant it into someone who needs a functioning kidney.

A urologic surgeon can perform a nephrectomy using a camera and small equipment through a single incision in the abdomen or side (open nephrectomy) or a series of small incisions in the abdomen using a camera and small instruments (laparoscopic nephrectomy) (laparoscopic nephrectomy).

In some circumstances, a robotic system is used to execute these laparoscopic surgeries. The surgeon performs robotic surgery while sitting at a computer station beside the operating table. He or she is in charge of the camera arm and mechanical arms, which are attached to surgical tools functioning within the patient’s body.

What Is Nephrectomy?

The surgical removal of one kidney is known as a nephrectomy. The surgical removal of both kidneys is known as bilateral nephrectomy.

There are two types of nephrectomy surgeries: partial nephrectomy and whole nephrectomy.

A partial nephrectomy is when only the diseased section of the kidney is removed by a surgeon. An open partial nephrectomy or a laparoscopic/robotic partial nephrectomy are both options.

A surgeon removes the entire kidney in a radical nephrectomy. In a technique known as nephroureterectomy, surgeons remove a piece of the ureter (tube leading to the bladder). The adrenal glands may also be removed (hormone glands that sit above the kidneys). This surgery can be done open, laparoscopically, or robotically.

What Is the Function of Kidney?

The kidneys, which are fist-sized organs located near the back of the upper belly, are found in the majority of humans. Your kidneys are responsible for:

  • Filter your blood to remove wastes, extra fluid, and electrolytes.
  • Urine production
  • Maintain enough mineral levels in your bloodstream.
  • Produce hormones that impact the quantity of circulating red blood cells and help regulate blood pressure.

The most common reason for nephrectomy is the removal of a kidney tumor. It’s possible that a kidney tumor is malignant or benign (noncancerous).

If an individual’s kidney is the source of repeated infections or is no longer functioning, they may require a nephrectomy. Nephrectomies are also used to remove a healthy kidney in preparation for a kidney donation.

Nephrectomy Surgery Cost in India

Nephrectomy Surgery Cost in India can range starts from 3000 USD.  This price typically includes necessary preoperative tests, and the surgery itself. However, please note that accommodation and transfers are not included in this cost.

Cost of Nephrectomy Surgery in Different Cities in India

CitiesStarting Price
DelhiUSD 3000
GurgaonUSD 3100
NoidaUSD 3000
MumbaiUSD 3300
HyderabadUSD 3000
ChennaiUSD 3100
KolkataUSD 3000
BangaloreUSD 3500

Note: Keep in mind that the aforementioned cost provided is solely for the treatment. The overall cost of Nephrectomy Surgery in India will be determined based on several factors.

Factors That Can Affect Nephrectomy Surgery Cost in India

Various factors can affect the cost of Nephrectomy Surgery in India. Your budget is greatly impacted by numerous elements that fail under pre and post-treatment costs. Below are the various factors that can affect the cost of Nephrectomy Surgery in India. 

  • Medication costs: Certain medicines can influence the overall cost of Nephrectomy Surgery.
  • Patient Condition: The complexity of the disease along with the patient’s overall health can affect the duration of treatment, impacting the cost. 
  • Duration of treatment: Longer treatment courses involving multiple visits can lead to higher cumulative costs.
  • Geographical location: Cost can vary widely depending on the region in India.
  • Hospitalization expenses: The length of hospital stay and the level of nursing care required by the patient can add to the treatment expenses.
  • Government policies and subsidies: Government healthcare schemes and subsidies can reduce out-of-pocket expenses for patients, affecting the affordability of Nephrectomy Surgery.
  • Medical tourism packages: Curated packages for international patients can include various services at a bundled cost, influencing the overall expense of treatment in India.
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure: Prestigious hospitals with state-of-the-art facilities may charge more for their services.
  • The expertise and experience of medical professionals: Urologic surgeons with extensive experience and recognition often command higher fees, contributing to the treatment cost.
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures: Regular monitoring with advanced imaging and laboratory tests can increase treatment costs due to the high price of these diagnostic methods.
  • The choice of treatment modality: Opting for newer or more advanced treatment options or precision medicine can be more expensive than traditional approaches.

Nephrectomy Surgery Cost in India offers exceptional medical services and facilities to patients who come for treatment in India also their facilities rival those of well-known healthcare centers worldwide. Accommodation, meals, and transportation expenses are also covered. 

We at, Medsurge India ensure that patients will receive the most affordable Nephrectomy Surgery Treatment Cost in India and with the expertise of highly qualified doctors. Furthermore, a foreign patient can save up to 30-40% of the cost in India when compared to their native countries. 

What Are the Risks of Kidney Removal?

Any major operation comes with its own set of dangers. Complications are uncommon, although they do exist:

  • A blood loss
  • Attack on the heart
  • Stroke
  • Anesthesia or other drugs cause an allergic reaction.
  • A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot forms in your legs and travels to your lungs.
  • Problems with breathing
  • Infection at the site of the surgical incision

Other risks are specific to a particular nephrectomy. They are as follows:

  • Damage to your kidney’s surrounding organs or tissues
  • A hernia is a condition in which organs protrude from a surgical incision.

After surgery, you can have issues with the remaining kidney. This is partly due to the fact that persons who require kidney surgery are at a higher risk of developing other renal disorders. Kidney donors are less likely to experience these issues.

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How Nephrectomy Procedure is Performed?

Before the Procedure:

Your healthcare professional will offer you advice on how to prepare for kidney surgery before the procedure. In the days leading up to the operation, you’ll need to cease taking certain drugs, such as blood thinners. The night before the procedure, your surgeon will probably tell you to fast (not eat) and cease drinking liquids.

Your healthcare professional will draw blood a few days before surgery. This test determines your blood type, as well as your baseline kidney function and blood levels, in case you need a blood transfusion.

During the Procedure:

Your surgeon will do the following during laparoscopic nephrectomy:

  • One or more small incisions are made in your abdomen or side.
  • Through the incision, a long needle with a camera (laparoscope) is inserted.
  • On a huge screen, the camera image from the laparoscope is displayed
  • Remove the diseased piece of your kidney or your complete kidney using a camera image and small surgical equipment.
  • All incisions are closed with small stitches that disappear on their own.

Your surgeon will do the following during an open nephrectomy:

  • One abdominal incision is made.
  • The diseased portion of your kidney, or your entire kidney, is removed.
  • Closes the incision stitches.

After the Procedure:

Following surgery, you will be required to stay in the hospital for one to five days. The duration of your hospital stay is determined by the type of nephrectomy you received.

Your blood pressure, electrolytes, and fluid levels will be monitored by your healthcare team. For the first few days after surgery, you will most likely need to use a urinary catheter (a hollow tube that drains urine).

The incision will be painful at first, and you may have numbness as well. As needed, your healthcare team can assist you with pain management.

It may be difficult to breathe deeply since your incision will be near your diaphragm (muscle beneath your lungs). Performing diaphragmatic breathing exercises, on the other hand, is critical for preventing pneumonia (lung infection).


You may have generally normal kidney function after nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy. Your doctor may advise you to adopt a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and have frequent examinations to monitor your kidney health in order to maintain optimal kidney function.

If you develop chronic kidney disease (lower kidney function) following a total or partial nephrectomy, your doctor may advise you to make further lifestyle adjustments, such as dietary changes and taking prescription and over-the-counter medications with caution.

The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Long Does it Take to Recover from Nephrectomy Surgery?

A: Kidney removal usually takes 3 to 6 weeks to recover from. You may be experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms: You may experience pain in your stomach or on the side where your kidney was removed.

Q: How Do You Sleep After Kidney Surgery?

A: Specific details on where your legs, arms, and toes should be put vary, but resting on your back with your arms at your side and toes pointed toward the ceiling may be the most comfortable. This posture helps to keep your body in a neutral alignment, so if in doubt, sleep on your back.

Q: What Are the Complications of Nephrectomy?

A: The following are some of the risks associated with nephrectomy surgery:

  • Infection.
  • Hemorrhage that necessitates a blood transfusion.
  • Pneumonia after surgery.
  • Anesthesia-related allergy responses are uncommon.
  • Death.

Q: Can a Kidney Tumor Be Removed?

A: Surgery can cure the majority of kidney tumors and cancers. Surgery entails removing the entire tumor in the safest way possible for each patient, and it can be done in a variety of ways, including a typical open incision, laparoscopic surgery, or robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery.

Q: How Long Can You Live With Renal Cell Carcinoma?

A: Around 72% of patients diagnosed with kidney cancer live for at least one year following diagnosis, 56% live for at least five years, and 50 % live for ten years or longer.

Q: Does Renal Cell Carcinoma Spread Fast?

A: “Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, the most prevalent kind of kidney cancer, has several subgroups. Sarcomatoid and rhabdoid are two kinds that can expand swiftly and inflict havoc throughout the body.”

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