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Heart Double Valve Replacement in India

Heart valve repair is an open procedure on the heart. In double valve replacement, both the mitral and the aortic valve, or the entire left side of the heart, are replaced. A surgeon fixes or replaces the damaged or diseased heart valve or valves during heart valve surgery. Heart valves can be repaired or replaced using a variety of surgical techniques, including open-heart surgery and minimally-invasive heart surgery.

The cost of care varies from case to case and a specialist examination is recommended to assess the appropriate treatment procedure/approach. The cost & quality of care, including the treatment process, the room category, and many other factors, are also influenced by several external factors.

Heart Double Valve Replacement Cost in India is lower when compared to other nations such as the United Nations, America, Russia, etc. The success of Heart Double Valve Replacement in India is largely due to the cardiac surgeon’s skill as well as the state-of-the-art medical equipment used in India’s top clinics. Additionally, India maintains reasonable pricing and high clinical standards.

What Are the Valves of the Heart

The heart is a muscular pumping organ that pumps blood around the body. It has two upper chambers, known as atria, and two bottom chambers, known as ventricles. Blood flows forward through the heart due to valves that connect each of the heart’s pumping chambers. The location of the four chambers is as follows:

  • Tricuspid Valve: Positioned in the right heart’s right ventricle and right atrium.
  • Pulmonary Valve: Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery, a pulmonary valve is placed.
  • Mitral Valve: Occupy the space between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
  • Aortic Valve: Both are placed between the left ventricle and the aorta.

What Are the Types of Valves Replacement

To replace malfunctioning valves, mechanical and biological valves are used. Mechanical valves are man-made components that function similarly to natural heart valves. They are made of carbon and polyester components that are readily tolerated by the human body. They can survive anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Blood clots are one of the hazards connected with mechanical valves. If you get a mechanical heart valve, you will have to take blood thinners for the rest of your life to prevent strokes.

Types of Valve Replacement Surgery are as follows:

Who Is a Good Candidate for Heart Valve Repair or Valve Replacement Therapy

Following symptoms you may experience if your heart valves become diseased or damaged:

  • Dizziness
  • Pain in the chest
  • Breathing Problems
  • Palpitations
  • It’s typical to get edema (swelling) in the feet, ankles, or tummy.
  • Fluid retention causes rapid weight gain.

Your healthcare professional may propose heart valve repair or valve replacement surgery for various reasons.

Heart Double Valve Replacement Cost in India

  • The minimum price for heart double valve replacement in India starts from INR Rs. 5,17,000 ($6200)
  • The average cost of Heart Double Valve Replacement in India is INR Rs.5,85,000 ($7000)
  • The maximum charge for Heart Double Valve Replacement in India is up to INR Rs. 6,84,000 ($8200)

Factors Affecting the Price of Heart Double Valve Replacement In India

The following are some variables that will affect the treatment for Heart Double Valve Replacement in India:

  1. Running room, recovery room fees
  2. The fee to your group of physicians (Surgeons, Anesthetist, dieticians, etc )
  3. Medicines and sterile dressings
  4. Regular evaluation and diagnostic processes
  5. Type of surgery performed
  6. Cost of chemo/radiation therapy
  7. The price of the needed post-procedure care
  8. Heart Double Valve Replacement Cost in India can depend on the type of hospital and rooms you stay.

For foreign patients traveling to India, Medsurge India provides the finest Heart Double Valve Replacement in India at a reasonable cost, all while being supervised by top medical professionals.

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    What Is the Procedure for Heart Double Valve Replacement

    A hospital stay is required for heart valve repair or replacement surgery. Procedures may differ depending on your situation and the practices of your healthcare providers.

    Before the Procedure:

    This is how open-heart valve repair or replacement generally goes:

    • You will be asked to take off any jewelry or other items that might get in the way of the operation.
    • Attire will be changed to a hospital gown and instructed to go to the bathroom to empty your bladder.
    • The patient will be instructed to lay down on the operation table on his back by the surgical team.
    • An intravenous (IV) line will be placed in your arm or hand by a healthcare expert for the injection of drugs and the administration of IV fluids. More catheters will be inserted into blood arteries in your neck and wrist to monitor your heart and blood pressure as well as collect blood samples.

    During Procedure:

    • Surgery with procedures that are either traditional or minimally invasive is done under general anesthesia.
    • A broad incision from the neck to the navel requires traditional surgery.
    • The heart will be momentarily stopped for most operations and the patient will be placed on a heart/lung machine that takes over the ventilation and blood circulation.
    • Instead, there are several operations that can be carried out on a beating heart. The surgeon will determine for the patient which type of treatment is best.

    After the Procedure:

    • The heart will beat on its own and all incisions will be sewn or stapled closed until the heart valve has been removed and the surgery is finished.
    • Patients will spend some time in the intensive care unit (ICU) after the surgery, where they will be closely monitored to ensure that there are no complications. The patient will be transferred to another room after that.


    The majority of heart valve replacement patients spend between five to seven days in the hospital. You might be able to go home sooner if your operation was minimally invasive. During the first few days after a heart valve replacement, medical professionals will provide pain medication as needed and regularly evaluate your blood pressure, respiration, and heart function.

    Depending on your rate of healing and the type of surgery you had, full recovery could take a few weeks or many months. Because the infection is the most common complication following surgery, it’s critical to keep your incisions sterile. If you develop symptoms that indicate infection, such as the following, call your doctor straight once:

    • Fever
    • Chills
    • Pain or swelling at the spot of the incision
    • Increased drainage from the region of the incision

    Follow-up appointments are crucial in assisting your doctor in determining when you are ready to resume your normal activities. Make sure you have a support system in place for the weeks and months after your surgery. As you heal, enlist the support of relatives and friends to help you around the house and drive you to medical appointments.

    Best Hospitals for Heart Double Valve Replacement in India

    Why Do Individuals Prefer to Have Heart Double Valve Replacement in India

    The country has some of the best medical care facilities and services in Asia, making medical tourism in India very popular. The best Hospitals for Heart Double Valve Replacement in India provide all types of disease-related surgeries using advanced technology. Also, Heart Double Valve Replacement in India is much more affordable as compared to other states or nations around the world. An international patient can expect to pay 50-60% less for Heart Double Valve Replacement in India.

    The best hospital that performs Heart Double Valve Replacement in India provides comprehensive appropriate treatment, including comprehensive pre-operative evaluations, minimally invasive surgical options, and post-operative rehabilitation programs. At these medical facilities, patients may anticipate personalized care, individualized attention, and compassionate treatment. Leading international agencies like the Joint Commission International (JCI) or the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) have accredited the hospitals.

    What to Look for When Choosing a Hospital For Heart Double Valve Replacement in India

    Indian hospitals that perform surgery are well-known for their hospitality and patient care services providing the finest hospital and surgeons in India. However, choosing a suitable hospital for treating Heart Double Valve Replacement in India can be difficult for an international patient. It is a significant decision that must be made with several factors in mind, including:

    • Quality certificates and accreditations
    • Hospital and transportation facility location
    • Team of doctors and surgeons
    • Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment
    • International patient assistance

    How Can Medsurge India Help

    Medsurge India is a prestigious support system for patients looking for doctors, hospitals, and specialized treatments. Our staff will provide you with a list of licensed, renowned, and trustworthy physicians and medical facilities in relation to your medical needs. Additionally, we offer a treatment strategy that fits your budget. Apart, we assist patients with obtaining travel authorizations, medical visas, and a multitude of other things.

    The Most Important Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How Long Does it Take to Replace 2 Heart Valves?

    A: Depending on the number of valves that need to be repaired or replaced, the surgery will take at least two hours or longer. You’ll be in a recovery room or an intensive care unit when you wake up (ICU). You’ll spend roughly a week in the hospital.

    Q: How Risky Is a Double Heart Valve Replacement?

    A: Aortic valve replacement is a serious procedure with potentially catastrophic complications. The chance of dying as a result of the procedure is estimated to be 2% overall. However, this risk is much smaller than the risk of not treating severe aortic disease.

    Q: What Are the Disadvantages of Heart Valve Replacement?

    A: Repairing or replacing a heart valve carries a number of risks:

    • Damage to the blood vessels or bleeding during or after therapy.
    • Heart attacks, strokes, and lung issues can all be caused by blood clots.
    • Infection at the location of the incision.
    • Endocarditis (infection of the new valve), which is more frequent after valve replacement.
    • Pneumonia.
    • Breathing difficulties.

    Q: Which Heart Valve Is the Strongest?

    A: The left ventricle is your heart’s largest and most powerful chamber. Although the chamber walls of the left ventricle are just about a half-inch thick, they are strong enough to drive blood through the aortic valve and into your body.

    Q: What Is the Most Common Complication After Open-heart Surgery?

    A: Infection of the chest wound (particularly likely in obese or diabetic patients or those who have previously had a CABG) Stroke or heart attack heartbeat irregularity The collapse of the lungs or the kidneys

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