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A Detailed Overview of Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a severe liver disease which is caused by the hepatitis B virus otherwise known as HBV. Most people with hepatitis B have an acute infection and the illness is short-term, less than six months in duration. However, in other patients, the infection takes a chronic form that is, it lasts for more than six months. Chronic hepatitis B puts one at a higher risk of contracting liver failure, liver cancer, or cirrhosis this is a condition that causes scarring of the liver.

Hepatitis B in most grown-ups is treatable and if the symptoms are severe, the patients adopt a normal lifestyle once again. Newborns and children are especially at risk for developing a chronic form of hepatitis B infection. This is referred to as chronic infection.

Although there is a vaccine for hep B, there is no cure once the disease has landed itself on an individual. If one contracts the disease, there are measures that he or she can take to avoid transmitting the disease to other people.

What are the Symptoms of Hepatitis B?

The signs and manifestation may be mild to severe and often classified into signs of acute hepatitis B. They are normally visible after 1 to 4 months of having been infected; although, they can emerge as early as the second month of being infected. Occasionally there are no symptoms; this is especially common among young children. The manifestations of Hepatitis B may encompass the following signs and symptoms:

– Abdominal discomfort

– Dark-colored urine

– Elevated body temperature

– Pain in the joints

– Decreased appetite

– Nausea accompanied by vomiting

– General weakness and fatigue

– Jaundice, characterized by a yellowing of the skin and the sclera of the eyes.

How is it Caused?

Hepatitis B is an acute viral infection or persisting chronic disease attributed to the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It is transmitted from one person to another through contact with blood,_semen or other body fluids. It does not spread through sneezing or coughing like flu or the common cold.

Common ways that HBV can spread are:

  • Sexual contact: Those individuals who indulge in unprotected sex activities are likely to be infected with hepatitis B virus. Viral transmission can occur if you come into contact with the blood, saliva, semen, or vaginal fluids of the infected individual.
  • Sharing of needles: It is easily transmissible with contaminated sharps instruments such as needles and syringes. 
  • Accidental needle sticks: Hepatitis B can be a health issue to anyone, especially health care providers and other persons who have contact with human blood.
  • Mother to child: HBV-infected pregnant women are at high risk of transmitting the virus to their babies at the time of delivery. But, the newborn can be immunized, so as not to get an infection in almost all cases. Discuss with your provider the need to be tested for hepatitis B if you are a pregnant woman or planning for pregnancy.

Hepatitis B Treatment Cost in India

The expense associated with Hepatitis B treatment in India varies from 200 USD  to 3000 USD. This process includes a series of diagnostic tests followed by appropriate medical care.

Hepatitis B Treatment Cost in India Vs Other Countries

CountriesPrice Starting From
United Kingdom6000 USD
U.S.9000 USD
Turkey4800 USD
Thailand5500 USD

Factors that Can Affect the Cost of Hepatitis B Treatment in India

The cost of a Hepatitis B Treatment in India may vary depending on the following factors. Most of the elements that you encounter during your planning significantly affect your budget and do not come under pre and post-treatment costs. Here are the various things that can potentially influence the price of Hepatitis B Treatment in India.

  • Medication costs: Some of the factors that can affect the total cost of the treatment include the types of medicines that a patient will require before, during, or after the transplant.
  • Patient Condition: It should be noted that the nature and severity of the disease and the client’s general health determine the treatment time, and therefore the cost.
  • Duration of treatment: This is because a patient can end up spending a lot of money on treatment in cases where the treatment is a multiple-session affair.
  • Geographical location: Again, the cost may depend also on the location of the center in the given country, India.
  • Hospitalization expenses: Complication factors include the number of days the patient spends in the hospital and the intensity of the nursing care that they are likely to need.
  • Government policies and subsidies: The accessibility of new premiums and subsidies under government healthcare may impact the costs, of the procedure experienced by the patients.
  • Medical tourism packages: Such services can be offered in packages to international patients, which can impact the prices of treatment across the board in India.
  • Hospital reputation and infrastructure: Some of the accredited health facilities that have cutting-edge equipment may require high fees to be charged.
  • The expertise and experience of medical professionals: This situation makes an ophthalmologist with extensive experience and recognition expensive in terms of fees and thus the costs of treatment.
  • The type and frequency of diagnostic procedures: That is, constant examinations using various imaging and lab tests often contribute to a higher treatment price because of the higher value of these procedures.
  • The choice of treatment modality: Choosing the newer or more modern treatment or going for precision medicine may be costlier than the conventional treatments.

Patients who are in search of Hepatitis B Treatment in India are provided with quality services and friendly facilities that are comparable to other famous medical centers globally.

How is it Diagnosed?

Your health care provider will do an assessment and check for liver damage symptoms including jaundice or belly ache. Tests that can help diagnose hepatitis B or its complications are: Tests that can help diagnose hepatitis B or its complications are:

  • Blood test: The blood work can show signs of the Hepatitis B virus in your system and let your provider know if it’s acute or chronic. One can also check if one has immunity to the condition by a simple blood test.
  • Liver ultrasound: Transient elastography, a special ultrasound, will reveal how much damage has been done to the liver.
  • Liver biopsy: Your provider might take a small portion of your liver and send it to a laboratory for biophysical tests to determine if it has been damaged. This is termed a liver biopsy. In this test, the doctor uses a thin needle and guides it into the liver and with takes a small tissue sample for laboratory analyses.

How is Hepatitis B Treated?

Acute hepatitis B does not have a cure while chronic hepatitis B can be treated using medication. Management of acute hepatitis B should involve attending to the needs of the affected individual to ensure comfort. They should take mild foods and a lot of fluids to ensure that they do not suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B infection can be taken in the form of oral drugs which include Tenofovir or Entecavir. Treatment can help:

  • provide a way to check the onset of cirrhosis or even slow it down.
  • minimize incidences of liver cancer
  • improve long-term survival.
  • many patients who begin hepatitis B treatment are required to remain on treatment for a lifetime.

Regarding the updated Hepatitis B Guidelines, it is expected that over 50% of individuals with CHB infection will need antiviral therapy, though this may vary based on the country and program inclusion criteria.

Treatment to Prevent Hepatitis B Infection after Exposure:

In the event of potential exposure to the hepatitis B virus, it is crucial to contact your healthcare provider without delay. It is essential to ascertain your vaccination status regarding hepatitis B. Your healthcare provider will inquire about the timing and nature of your exposure.

Administering an injection of immunoglobulin (an antibody) within 24 hours following exposure may offer protection against the onset of hepatitis B. However, since this treatment provides only temporary immunity, it is advisable to receive the hepatitis B vaccine concurrently if you have not previously been vaccinated.

Treatment for Acute Hepatitis B Infection:

Once your healthcare provider concludes that your hepatitis B infection is acute, indicating that it is temporary and likely to resolve independently, treatment may not be necessary. In such instances, your provider may suggest rest, a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and careful observation as your body combats the infection. However, in more severe situations, antiviral medications or hospitalization may be required to avert complications.

Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

Individuals diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B infection typically require lifelong treatment. The determination to initiate treatment is influenced by various factors, such as whether the virus is inducing inflammation or liver scarring, known as cirrhosis; the presence of additional infections, including hepatitis C or HIV; and whether the immune system is compromised due to medication or illness. Treatment is essential in minimizing the risk of liver disease and in preventing the transmission of the infection to others.

Management of chronic hepatitis B may involve:

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